Thursday, February 24, 2011

5) Law 41-48 in The 48 Laws of Power

To be important you must sometimes learn to mock others by using what's called the "mirror effect."  The mirror effect is when you do exactly what others do.  It will not only catch them off guard, but also infuriate them.  Don’t mock the wrong person.  Make sure you know whose power you’re taking.  Never steal the power of a great man; you’ll never be able to live up to potential.  Leave room for further achievement by knowing when to stop with one goal before continuing with another.  In life, people tend to admire more of the quantity of achievements rather than how great one achievement is.  In other words, never appear too perfect; with perfection comes envy and jealousy.  Know who your enemies are and know how to control their hatred towards you. 
This book is truly a great read.  I gave a brief summary to express my interpretation of the book.  You may think differently, which is all right because we’re all different.  Give this book a good read and learn what the greats have achieved before and how you can repeat their achievements.    

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