Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3) Laws 20-30 in the 43 Laws of Power

This book applies mainly to people who are looking to reach power.  Once at the highest peak, you must remember that people are looking to take advantage of you.  Law 29 is the most important when power has been reached.  It states that to do something, it must be planned all the way to the end.  Never begin something , without considering all the possible consequences; well at least most of them.  Make sure to always stay calm.  Be bold with presenting your work but never take too much credit for something.  Make others look good and they will, in turn, prove their generosity towards you.  Never give the same look when in the presence people.  Confuse them and they'll not have any way of harming you.  It is also best to not achieve the highest position.  The wisest people are those that are 2nd in command.  They are not the target, and also the courtier for the Boss.  This is probably the safest route.  You'll learn more being the second position and gain more experience than the boss.

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